About Jennifer

Changing financial behavior is challenging, even for motivated people. Understanding their own financial psychology can provide the missing piece to create and sustain that positive change.

With over 25 years of experience as a small business owner of a successful private psychotherapy practice and the only certified financial psychology and behavioral finance professional in the state of Vermont, Jennifer understands the world of emotions and using that emotional intelligence to create positive behavior change. Having worked in both therapeutic and financial psychology settings she understands the unique dynamics of client relationships. Successfully nurturing these client relationships leads to trust and to long-term client retention.

Learning how to help people connect the dots between their money beliefs and their behavior has been a tremendous experience for her, especially when she witnesses first-hand the many “aha” moments her clients have.


Jennifer Calder money mindset consulting

Jennifer brings financial psychology and behavioral finance into her work with professionals, individuals and couples. She consults collaboratively with financial planning professionals on incorporating interior finance throughout their client engagement process. Furthermore, she consults with psychotherapists about their own relationship with money and finance, how to address “money issues” clinically, and how to identify and address concerning financial behavior.

As a psychotherapist in private practice, Jennifer witnesses how money stress negatively impacts self-confidence, goal attainment, long term familial and romantic relationships, and overall well-being. She knows that  financial stress is chronic and pervasive, even for the wealthiest of us. She’s witnessed self-sabotaging financial behaviors even from people actively working towards positive change.


Jennifer holds a Masters degree in Sociology and Anthropology and a Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Vermont. In order to help people overcome and work through chronic financial stressors, Jennifer decided to extend her training with a graduate certificate program in Financial Psychology and Behavioral Finance from the Heider School of Business at Creighton University. From 2016-2018, as a student in the program, Jennifer was “the client” going through the process of addressing her own unconscious beliefs about money and connecting them to some of her unhelpful financial behaviors. She knows first-hand how addressing the psychology of money can improve wellbeing, relationships and financial security.

At Creighton University within her student cohort, Jennifer was the sole mental health clinician - all the other students worked in the field of finance. Being the only mental health professional in this group was unique for an experienced psychotherapist. Watching her fellow students, the financial professionals, experience the benefits of financial psychology demonstrated the value of incorporating financial psychology into the area of financial planning. This inspired her to create Money Mindset Consulting.

Want to know how Money Mindset Consulting can help you?

Book now for a free consultation phone call to discuss the possibilities.

I have known Jennifer for more than a decade, and find her to be ethical, professional, competent, and well-informed.  She has that wonderful ability to use her clinical training well, and at the same time, connect with people, put them at ease, and communicate with a genuineness that is rare.”

– Heather