For Couples

Financial Alignment for Couples

Financial planning for couples
  • 30% of couples don’t talk about important financial topics before getting married.

  • Between engagement and marriage only 10% of couples tackle this challenging issue.

  • Most divorces occur in the first five years of marriage, and communication problems and finances are some of the most common issues that lead to divorce.

How Financial Alignment Helps Couples

Financial Alignment is a series of four appointments for couples who want to feel confident that they are doing all that they can to create financial health and well being.
This service is appropriate for new and established couples.

Understanding how each partner approaches saving, spending and earning are the foundations of financial alignment. In this series of four appointments, we will:

  • Identify money beliefs - what they are, where they come from, and how they influence your approach to money management.

  • Identify shared values and learn how to make financial decisions based on these values.

  • Learn why regular money conversations are the key to financial intimacy, then make a plan to keep the conversations going.

    Cost: $960 with 10% discount if paid in full upfront.

Jennifer Calder of Money Mindset Consulting

The benefits of talking about money include…

  • Confidence knowing that you and your partner are financially compatible.

  • Making values-based money decisions that work for you as a couple.

  • Understanding individual money styles and work with them instead of against them.

  • Couples who regularly talk about money have happier, more satisfying relationships.

Want to know how Money Mindset Consulting can help you?

Book now for a free consultation phone call to discuss the possibilities.

Since we participated in Money Mindset Consulting, I no longer avoid or dread our regular look at our checkbook and bank statements.  As a result, we talk more regularly, sometimes even weekly, about where we are and the progress we are making towards our goals.